FCC now requires applicants to register an FCC profile and FRN before taking the MROP Element 1 exam
There is a step-by-step video which instructs new applicants how to register.
Remember this has to be done BEFORE registering for MROP exam!
MROP: Required on vessels over 300 gross tons and vessels that carry more than 6 paying passengers
Call us for easy sign-up and examination information!
Mariner Credentials
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Wilderness First Aid – $175
Paid to the Instructor
All Emergency Medical Training courses are provided and scheduled by instructor Captain Jim Holley.
Contact Captain Jim Holley ONLY for scheduling any Emergency Medical Training class.
Jim can be reached at [email protected] or 252-259-1028.

*Image and course description courtesy of American Health and Saftey Institute.
Program Overview
The ASHI Wilderness First Aid training program is intended for individuals who are not healthcare providers or professional rescuers but desire or are required to be certified in wilderness first aid knowledge and skills.
Certification in Adult CPR and AED is required as a prerequisite for this program. Training in basic first aid is recommended.
Wilderness environments create special situations not usually encountered in an urban or suburban environment. When a person becomes injured or ill in the wilderness, the time and distance to traditional emergency medical services maybe hours or even days. First aid providers in a wilderness setting will be faced with limited resources, have to care for a patient for a much Ionger time period, and need to make decisions about when and how fast to evacuate an ill or injured person.
The goal of this training program is to help students develop the knowledge, skills, and confidenee to respond to a medical emergency in a remote or wilderness setting. Founded in basic principles of instructional design and learning theory ASHI promotes a “toolbox” approach to learning. This approach gives lnstructors flexibility in both presentation strategies and materials in order to reach students with widely varying abilities in the countless instructional settings that exist in the real world. Wilderness First Aid is designed to include a significant amount of hands-on skill practice.