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Spring and Summer classes are filling up quickly.  Call to schedule the class and location of your choice

Seeking Instructors at World Wide Marine Training for ABLE SEAMAN ~ STCW BASIC TRAINING ~ OUPV courses. 
Instructors needed for the Midwest locations of Grafton, Il,  St. Louis, MO and Lake of the Ozarks , MO.

Current 2025 Class Schedule Now Available on Our Schedule Page.

FCC now requires applicants to register an FCC profile and FRN before taking the MROP Element 1 exam

There is a step-by-step video which instructs new applicants how to register.

Remember this has to be done BEFORE registering for MROP exam!

MROP: Required on vessels over 300 gross tons and vessels that carry more than 6 paying passengers

Call us for easy sign-up and examination information!


Mariner Credentials


Need More Information?

Contact Us!

We would love to help you find the perfect course for your needs.

OUPV (6-pak)

$925 - OUPV (6-pak) - CAPTAINS LICENSE Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels (Inland, Great Lakes, Near Coastal) The OUPV is authorized to carry up to six passengers “for hire.”

Upgrade to Master 100-tons

$390 - UPGRADE OUPV to MASTER 100-Tons - CAPTAINS LICENSE (Inland, Great Lakes, Near Coastal) This course is for upgrading an existing OUPV License (6-pack) to a 25-ton, 50- ton or 100-ton Masters License.

Upgrade to Master 200-tons

$460 - UPGRADE MASTER 100-tons to MASTER 200-tons - MASTERS LICENSE (Inland, Great Lakes, Near Coastal) This 3-day course is for upgrading an existing 100-ton Masters License to a 200-ton Masters License.

License Renewal

$275 - LICENCE RENEWAL (up to 100-ton) This 2-day License Renewal course is for the licensed mariner who does not have the required 360 days of sea service in the last 5 years to renew their Captains License.

Towing Endorsement

$175 - ASSISTANCE TOWING ENDORSEMENT This 4-hr. course allows the OUPV and licensed Master up to 200-tons to acquire a “TOWING Endorsement” that permits them to engage in Assistance Towing services for hire.

Sailing Endorsement

$175 - AUXILIARY SAIL ENDORSEMENT This 4-hr. course allows the licensed Master to acquire the Sail Endorsement for carrying 7 or more passengers while under sail on an inspected vessel.


$850 - ARPA - (Automatic Radar Plotting Aid) This 4-day course covers the methods by which the ARPA acquire and tracks radar contacts.

Able Seaman – Part A

$660 - ABLE SEAMAN - Part “A” - Theory The 44-hr. course, Part “A”, satisfies the written examination requirement and the practical knot tying assessment requirement.

Able Seaman – Part B

$835 - ABLE SEAMAN - Part “B” Personal Survival Techniques & Proficiency in Survival Craft (Restricted). Part “B” satisfies the requirement for the 32-hr course and written examination and practical assessment requirements for any mariner requiring an endorsement in Proficiency in Survival Craft (PSC) restricted and assessment requirement as set out in Table A-V1/1- 3 of the STCW code.

OUPV (Limited)

(Call for Group Pricing) OUPV (Limited) - Satisfies the safe boating course and examination requirements for original issuance, renewal or reissuance of a license as Limited Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels.

Upgrade Limited OUPV

(Call for Group Pricing) Upgrade Limited OUPV to Limited Master 100 Tons - Applicants must present a current OUPV (Limited) credential or course completion along with evidence of current employment with a yacht club, marina or other organization. Credential will be limited to their employment with that organization and to that specific geographic location and body of water.

STCW Basic Training

$925 - STCW BASIC TRAINING - (Formerly called STCW-95 Basic Safety Training) This course satisfies only the training and examination requirements. Practical demonstration of AB, QMED or Deck Officer skills must be signed off by a licensed officer on a vessel of 200 Gross Registered Tons (GRT) or more. This course is a compilation of four individual U.S.C.G. Approved courses

STCW Personal Survival Techniques*

$270.00 - (as per STCW Table A-V1/1- 1) – 12h

STCW Personal Safety and Responsibilities*

$85.00 - (as per STCW Table A-V1/1- 4) – 4h

STCW Elementary First Aid*

$95.00 - (as per STCW Table A-V1/1- 3) – 8h

STCW Basic Fire Fighting*

$475.00 - (as per STCW Table A-V1/1- 2) – 16h

STCW Basic Training Revalidation

$475 - BASIC TRAINING REVALIDATION (9WORWMT-718) course- The course satisfies the continued competency requirements for Personal Survival Techniques and Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting in STCW as amended 2010, Section A-VI/1, 46 CFR 11.302(d) and 46 CFR 12.602(s), provided the mariner has at least 1 year of sea service in the last 5 years.

STCW Advanced Fire Fighting, STCW GAP Closing Courses

$850 - STCW ADVANCED FIRE FIGHTING, STCW GAP CLOSING COURSES- This Coast Guard approved 32-hour, 4-day, course covers the requirements of Chapter VI, Section A-VI/3 and Table A-VI/3 of STCW-95 Convention. Upon completion of 32-hours of instruction (written and practical) each student will meet minimum standards of competence in taking command, organize and train fire parties, inspect and service fire detection/extinguishing systems and equipment, investigate incidents regarding fire and control firefighting operations.

First Aid / CPR

$60 (Paid to the Instructor) - FIRST AID / CPR - All applicants for original OUPV and MASTERS licenses must present a photocopy of the completion of a U.S.C.G. Approved First Aid Course taken within twelve months of application submission and a valid CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) card.

All Emergency Medical Training courses are provided and scheduled by instructor Captain Jim Holley.

Contact Captain Jim Holley ONLY for scheduling any Emergency Medical Training class.

Jim can be reached at [email protected] or 252-259-1028.

CPR with AED

$30 (Paid to the Instructor) - CPR with AED - The ASHI CPR and AED training program is intended for individuals who are not healthcare providers or professional rescuers but desire or are required to be certified in CPR and the use of an AED. There are no class prerequisites.

Basic First Aid AED

$40 (Paid to the Instructor) - Basic First Aid AED - The ASHI Basic First Aid training program is intended for individuals who are not healthcare providers or professional rescuers but desire or are required to be certified in basic emergency medical care. There are no class prerequisites.

Basic Life Support

$75 (Paid to the Instructor) - Basic Life Support - The ASHI Basic Life Support (BLS) program is intended to assist healthcare providers, including professional rescuers, in learning or refining BLS skills for patients of all ages.

Advanced Bleeding Control

$30 (Paid to the Instructor) - Advanced Bleeding Control - The ASHI Advanced Bleeding Control training program is intended for individuals who desire or are required to become trained in the use of commercial and improvised control devices forthe immediate management of severe external bleeding.

Wilderness First Aid

$175 (Paid to the Instructor) - Wilderness First Aid - The ASHI Wilderness First Aid training program is intended for individuals who are not healthcare providers or professional rescuers but desire or are required to be certified in wilderness first aid knowledge and skills.

Emergency Oxygen

$30 (Paid to the Instructor) - Emergency Oxygen - The ASHI Emergency Oxygen training program provides training and skills in the administration of emergency oxygen.

Mariner Credential Assistance (MCA)

Let World Wide Marine Training assist you with your application package. We will review your documents and submit them electronically to the Charleston REC (Regional Exam Center). Please call to make an appointment.


MROP - Marine Radio Operations Permit
(Element 1)

FCC Requirement on:

- Vessels certified by USCG that carry more than 6 passengers on open sea or tide waters of the US.

- Vessels more than 300 gross tons on open sea.

- Certain vessels that sail the Great Lakes (generally considered commercial vessels).